Standard Dissertation Structure
Equipping yourself with adequate knowledge in preparing your dissertation is a challenging and time-consuming endeavor. The data organization and writing skill that serves as a prerequisite to dissertation writing must be in tiptop shape before you commence work.

Law Essay Example
While reading an example law essay can help, knowing how to write a law essay takes time and actual experience. Unfortunately, because of the hectic life in typical law education, as well as other commitments, some law students find it excruciatingly difficult to comply with their law essay requirements.

How To Pass Your College Entrance Examination
One of the best ways to figure out what a college entrance exam is about is by asking people who have taken it before. Not only will they tell you their frustrations about the exam; they will also tell you which parts of the exam are difficult or if there is something in particular that you will need to focus on.

How to Write a Law Essay
Law students have to familiarize themselves with and master the law and the legal system. Law essays are one of the common assignments given to test the knowledge and analytical skills of a law student.

Methodology Writing Guide
The methodology is usually the third chapter of a dissertation and is written in many variations in terms of formatting, hence, it is always best to ask your supervisor for guidance because universities have different sets of formatting and practiced academic style.

Book Report Example
While book reports are quite technical in terms of substance, it can still prove difficult to determine which significant points to put in the paper. You may find yourself wanting book report help that goes beyond giving generic information, beyond reading an example book report.

Best Summer Jobs for College Students
As a college student, it's time for you to start seeing the summer as an opportunity to do things you could not do during the semesters. Use this time to improve your resume, expand your experience, as well as save up for the future.

Rules of Technical Writing
Technical writing is something professionals engage in. You will need in-depth knowledge of a topic to write a technical piece or a manual. If you already have the knowledge down, let's get into the technicalities of technical writing.

New Technology Topics for Your Next Research Paper
If you are able to choose the new technology topic you desire but you find yourself still struggling, it is because writing a research paper about technology is hard since it requires several factual pieces of evidence for you to establish the credibility of your paper and to be able to defend your argument.

Things You Need For Your First Year in College
Make sure you have everything you need for your college life before you take the trip to your campus. This is an exciting time of your life, so make sure you don't forget any college essential in your shopping list.

New Year Resolutions For Students and How to Make Them Work
If you're tired of not meeting your new year's resolutions, we have an exciting set of life hacks for you. Try these ten tips on making your new year's resolutions work and, finally, transform your life.

Best sororities in the US
Each sorority offers a distinct sorority life. The best college sororities offer opportunities for college students to establish life-long friendships and take part in philanthropic activities. This is the cherry on top when it comes to choosing the best sorority to join: consider your sorority's advocacies and philanthropic activities and make sure that they match with yours.

2019 word of the year
Every year, dictionaries announce a word that defines the year based on popular searches and political and societal events that shaped the year. It also shows the changes in people's perspectives of issues. Can you guess what words defined the year 2019?

My College Graduation Experience: Essay Example
College graduation is the accumulation and celebration of a lifetime's worth of hard work. It is an incredible, emotional moment that should be celebrated and commemorated. See how this personal narrative essay sample narrates a college graduation experience.

YouTube Channels for College Students
Youtube contains a vast collection of informative and educational videos, if you only searched for them. Whatever topic or skill you want to learn or if there is a topic in your class you don't quite understand yet--there is a Youtube channel for you.
- Assignment Examples29
- Writing Guides129
- Admission & Scholarship Essay 6
- Analysis 6
- Article Critique 2
- Biography 4
- Book Report 4
- Case Study 1
- Copywriting 2
- Creative Writing 13
- Dissertation 7
- Essay Writing 35
- Grant Proposal 2
- Journal Entry 1
- Lab Report 3
- Law Essays and Case Briefs 4
- Poem 8
- Research Methods 4
- Research Paper 16
- Speech 7
- Thesis 1
- Thesis Statement 3