Essays vs Research Papers
We understand the demand and heavy workload being a college student has on everyone. You can be writing an essay right now, but have to finish a research paper later. When you are overwhelmed with so much work and studying, it’s hard to keep track of it all – for the most part, you will have a hard time prioritizing each task.

Writing a Diagnostic Essay
You have to be prepared for your diagnostic essay. If you were informed that you are going to write a diagnostic essay prior, then make use of the time you have between now and the day you have to learn how to write it by practicing.

How to write an informal essay
The informal essay is the opposite of most academic essays, which are written in a formal tone. Learn what really is an informal essay and read the steps and rules to follow on how to write an informal essay.

Powerful Writing Apps for Your Writing Projects
There are many ways to improve your writing. You need to practice, of course, but you can also harness the power of technology to help you write a powerful and engaging paper without grammar errors. Check out these writing apps.

Creative Essay Example: The Vessel of Dreams
a creative essay exhibits the author’s desire of another kind of life, found in the many worlds existing in literature, followed by the life she dreams of having – living in the mountains, by the sea, and even in Paris.

Marijuana: Is It Good or Bad?
Data on the use of medicinal plants has long been conveyed from generation to generation, and from then on, this string of human knowledge has helped improve the progression of civilizations and necessities. Based on records, medicinal plants are utilized in almost all cultures, and these plants include the marijuana plant.

How much does it cost to buy an essay?
Many students fear the cost of hiring an essay writer thinking that it is expensive. However, the truth is it is not.

Classification Essay Example: Animals According To Diet
A classification essay talks about the types or the subsets of a subject to help you better understand it, such as the types of animals. This classification essay example classifies animals based on their diet.

Scholarship Essay Example
We took the time to provide this custom scholarship essay example in hopes that it will give clarifications on how to write a scholarship essay. In this example of a scholarship essay, the writer displays his passion and desire in his chosen major by using what he knows of it and how he can learn further.

Response Essay Example: Redemption and Rebirth
Simply stating what is clear in the material is not enough. A true response essay entails a personal aspect that distinguishes this particular essay from another, even if both write about the same material.

100 Best Classification Essay Topics
Almost everything can be categorized, but you must watch out for redundant topics. There are subjects that already have distinctions and thus would no longer need elaborations. There are also ones that requires deep analysis before you can classify them in a paper.

Compare and Contrast Essay Example: Utilitarianism
A compare and contrast essay explores the differences and similarities of an idea, phenomenon, or object. It is used in different fields. This compare and contrast essay compares the theories of Utilitarianism and Principles of Morals and Legislation.
100 Best Descriptive Essay Topics
While writing a descriptive essay may seem fun for many, some students might find it tedious. Why? There are students who are not really engaged in writing and they view detail-oriented essays like descriptive essays as hard and tiresome.
How to Format your Dissertation Proposal
Your academic supervisor needs to determine which topic is the most appropriate for dissertation writing as well as assist you in writing your dissertation. Basically, your supervisor oversees the flow of your study as well as help you determine which methods are best for your study

How to Write a Legal Case Brief
The legal case brief is the law student’s ultimate tool to not only surviving but thriving in his academic career as a law student. In order to write a legal case brief, however, there is a particular process that must be followed to write an effective legal case brief.
- Assignment Examples29
- Writing Guides129
- Admission & Scholarship Essay 6
- Analysis 6
- Article Critique 2
- Biography 4
- Book Report 4
- Case Study 1
- Copywriting 2
- Creative Writing 13
- Dissertation 7
- Essay Writing 35
- Grant Proposal 2
- Journal Entry 1
- Lab Report 3
- Law Essays and Case Briefs 4
- Poem 8
- Research Methods 4
- Research Paper 16
- Speech 7
- Thesis 1
- Thesis Statement 3