Tips To Avoid Procrastination In College
Don't procrastinate in college. You waste more time and sacrifice results because of poor self-organization.

Choosing a major in college
Choosing your major in college is a decision that should not be made in a hurry. Your choice should be the result of all important factors.

10 Time Management Tips for College Students
Does it always seem like 24 hours a day is not enough for all the work you need to do? Perhaps you don't need an extra hour, just better management skills. Transform your college life with these ten time management tips.

College Must Haves for 2022: A Survival Guide
College life is stressful and overwhelming. You have a lot of writing, reading, researching, and studying to do. However, simple everyday objects can make college a bit more comfortable. A laptop, microwave, and pair of slippers can be more than enough to satisfy a stress-out college student.

College Prep Resources Every High School Student Needs
Your future starts with your college preparations. We have prepared the ultimate list of college prep resources to help you get into your dream college with the most useful and comprehensive college prep resources.

How To Improve ACT Score
Your ACT score can determine how your college life will be. It will influence if your preferred university will accept you. It is imperative that you plan ahead and aim to get a good score. Read through this article and learn how you can improve your scores.
The Best Way to Prepare for SAT
Most students prefer studying for SAT in study centers, with tutors that guide them in preparation for the SAT. Not everyone can afford this since study centers can be expensive. As an alternative, you’re probably wondering how to prepare for SAT exam at home.

How to Increase SAT Score
Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to pay for a private tutor, or even an SAT preparation class to improve your SAT scores. Khan Academy, which can be accessed on the web and on your mobile, offers the Official SAT Practice. It contains a comprehensive study course and comes completely free.

How to Improve your Writing Skills
The basics of correct writing include producing a paper with correct grammar, punctuations, sentence structure, and paragraph division. However, these things are not the deciding factor for good writing skills. The good news is, the things aforementioned can be learned in class or by reading textbooks.

The Best Way to Prepare for ACT
To prepare for ACTS, you must first consider time. The number of hours you wish to study in preparation for ACT exams will be entirely up to you. You can commit to an intense ACT study schedule, which can mean devoting ten hours a week for two months.

The Best Community Colleges in the United States
One of the top community colleges in the country, Foothill College is known for its excellent education and the beauty of its Japanese-inspired campus. Foothill has six divisions of study: Biological and Health Sciences, Fine Arts and Communication, Physical Sciences, Biological and Health Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering, and Language Arts.

Life After College: Things Nobody Tells You
Life after college holds so much pressure, but you need to understand that you already have the skills and talent to create your own opportunities. Many doors will close on you as you scour the big city for that job. Many people will turn their backs and ignore you, so do not wait around for an employer to validate what you already possess.

Can I Use Qualitative and Quantitative Methods Simultaneously?
When quantitative research method or numerical data is insufficient to fully understand the scope of the problem. You may use a qualitative research method as a follow-up to build a supplemental theoretical framework to interpret quantitative data.

How To Write Essays Faster
Writing fast is not just valuable for times when you forget about your assignments until the last minute. You will find that this ability is beneficial for time management. Not only will you not need to pull all-nighters trying to finish an essay, but you will actually be able to finish your essays within your set timeframe.

How to Start an Email: Tips for Better Messaging
Emails are a part of our day-to-day life, be it personal or professional. Emails are essential to getting work done, and mastering its art, especially how to start an email, is not that hard. Read some of our tips to make your messaging better.
- Assignment Examples29
- Writing Guides129
- Admission & Scholarship Essay 6
- Analysis 6
- Article Critique 2
- Biography 4
- Book Report 4
- Case Study 1
- Copywriting 2
- Creative Writing 13
- Dissertation 7
- Essay Writing 35
- Grant Proposal 2
- Journal Entry 1
- Lab Report 3
- Law Essays and Case Briefs 4
- Poem 8
- Research Methods 4
- Research Paper 16
- Speech 7
- Thesis 1
- Thesis Statement 3