The Dos and Don'ts of Sorority Date Parties
There is usually a theme to a sorority date party, but regardless of that, you should make sure your dress is beautiful and comfortable at the same time. Your shoes are of particular importance. Wear shoes that won’t hurt your feet if you have them on for too long.

Interesting Presentation Topics for College Students
Presenting a topic that is not in your domain of expertise will not be easy, so do not put yourself through that kind of difficulty. Your topic should be something you are passionate about and will not give you a hard time to put your message across.

Criminal Law Essay Topics
Due to the fast-paced nature of the criminal justice world, looking for the most suitable criminal law essay topic remains to be a force to be reckoned with amongst students. The process of writing it is even harder, of course. As you struggle to keep the rest of your life intact, being assigned a less appealing criminal law essay or research paper topic can just become the iceberg to your already rocky journey.

Racism in Society: Europe and the Nazi Party
The rise of Nazi Germany ironically sparked one of the darkest periods of humanity. The human brain has astonishing powers, and it took only one mind and unwavering charisma to formulate a well-planned scheme that encouraged many to destroy millions of lives.

Students and Climate Change
Students are doing everything in their power to secure their future and their place in this world. If they inherit this world, there is a responsibility to leave it to them without worries about whether or not they can live through it or they have to be cautious about their existence due to global warming and greenhouse gases.

How To Be a Great Debater
Without sufficient composure, the debater may fall victim to stuttering and ineffective speaking, two of which, though they are not critically integral to a debater’s argumentation, impact it negatively. The audience, the judges, the opposition, and the debater himself are all human.

Critical Thinking Skills
Critical thinking is an important skill that you will use over and over again throughout your life. Refine your critical thinking skills with these simple but effective practices you can do in between classes.

Writing Styles
Writing itself is a very fluid craft. Systems have been built on the idea of having an organized manner of doing it, and while they are significant in making the learning process of writing accessible, not one of them can truly and definitively pin down writing.

Best Controversial Debate Topics
Conventional debate topics are hard enough, let alone controversial ones. If you are assigned a controversial debate topic, take a look at different lists of the very best controversial debate topics about various issues and choose what you are most comfortable with.

Racism in European Literature
Racism is founded primarily on bigotry and hatred, yet the stimulus of racism in European Literature is intellectual discourse. Herodotus, an intellectual of the Ancient Greek era, perpetuated the idea that anyone who lives within the Greek city-states are civilized, whereas those who lived without are "barbarians"..

Indonesian Fires
Since the Indonesian forest fire in 2015, the country has taken steps to ensure the incident never happens again. Indonesian President Joko Widodo suspended new permits for clearing forest and peatland for palm oil cultivation.

Modern Accounts on the Manifestation of Racism
Racism has been a long-standing issue in society, and it continues to prevail today. We discuss the evolution and modern manifestations of racism, as well as other forms of discrimination other marginalized groups experience in their daily lives.

Greta Thunberg’s Speech
Greta Thunberg’s speech caused mayhem, as it very well should. While the side of the good fight echoed Greta’s words, the other side resorted to backlash and bullying – seemingly forgetting that Greta Thunberg’s merely a child, one that should be in school, free to enjoy her youth.

How to Create a Professional Resume
A resume is your elevator pitch about yourself. Put your best foot forward with every job application and get a job offer soon. Learn and follow these proven tips and tricks on crafting the perfect resume for every job application.

Tips to Enhance Memory for Students
There are tricks, techniques, and tips you can follow if you are among the students who struggle with their memory. Enhancing your memory is essential to academic success, and it can be achieved. Although you struggle with receiving, processing, and retrieving information, that does not mean you should not at least try improving it.
- Assignment Examples29
- Writing Guides129
- Admission & Scholarship Essay 6
- Analysis 6
- Article Critique 2
- Biography 4
- Book Report 4
- Case Study 1
- Copywriting 2
- Creative Writing 13
- Dissertation 7
- Essay Writing 35
- Grant Proposal 2
- Journal Entry 1
- Lab Report 3
- Law Essays and Case Briefs 4
- Poem 8
- Research Methods 4
- Research Paper 16
- Speech 7
- Thesis 1
- Thesis Statement 3