The Re-release of Avengers: Endgame
We can all agree that Avengers: Endgame was a box office hit. Having been released several months ago already, though, the enormous surge of excitement and hype people have dedicated to it has quieted down. This means its box office performance has slowed down quite a lot, and its final stop is immortalization through Blu-Ray and online streaming platforms, perhaps becoming a part of the best movies on Netflix. Released in 2009, Avatar remains to be the highest grossing film of all time with $2,787,965,087. Avengers: Endgame trails closely with $2,750,760,348. It looks as if it will be stuck there forever, gone with the hopes of ever topping the blue creature wonders of Avatar . Not quite, though – Disney and Marvel are not giving up, as they revealed that Endgame will be back soon in the theaters, equipped with new footage. Ten years later, will Avatar finally be de-crowned?

What is New?
Unfortunately, there is not much. The announcement of the re-release of Avengers: Endgame on June 28, 2019 caused quite a ruckus, but Movie Details on Twitter was first to spill the beans: a message from the Russo brothers, A Stan Lee tribute, a post credit scene from the Hulk , and a sneak peak for Spider Man: Far From Home.
Unfortunately, it is not a director’s cut of Avengers: Endgame. It is not like the Lord of the Rings extended edition, either. It is merely seven minutes of extra footage. Although the idea is nice, we have to make do with what is given for now. Most fans long for a release of deleted footage from much of the movies in the franchise. Apart from the promise of the Hulk scene, though, there is not much to be excited about. A Stan Lee tribute will be a treat to watch, yes, as he is the real hero of all these. A sneak peak on Spider Man: Far From Home is tempting, but not quite enough. Perhaps we need to wait for Disney and Marvel to finally overthrow Avatar before anything actually worth it happens.
The Truth
It is important to note, though, that Disney and Marvel never really provided any reason for the re-release of Avengers: Endgame . While the prospect of topping the box office seems plausible enough, if you dedicate enough time to dig deeper, you will find that the real reason behind the big move is clear, obvious, and voila – making more money. This seems to be everybody's priority now, which can be seen through the continuous rising of wage gaps .To be specific, it is an effort to make enough money to top records but it still begs the question, though: why? Sifting through sources and data reveal that Disney already owns rights to Avatar , along with Marvel at its back. The bragging rights that come with record-breaking is more than apparent, and more money is set to come. If you look at the list of highest grossing films of all time, most of them come from Marvel – the Avengers series, Captain America, and Captain Marvel, to name a few. That is already plenty of money right there, so why is topping Avatar such a big deal?
It is a huge deal to Disney, though, because clearly they want to own this record – stamp Disney as owning the highest grossing film of all time and go. Some articles speculate that perhaps it is because they never had any success getting recognition from the Academy Awards, despite the influence all around the world. The message has never been clearer: Disney wants box office domination.
Whether that will come to materialize or not, we will have to see. The Avengers: Endgame is set to be re-released this weekend, and it is up to the fans to take the bait and go see it once more or just leave it be. Experts say this may not be enough to bring casual fans back, but one thing is clear: the fate of Disney as the king of box office is yet to be determined.
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